Interviewing and Selection


Duration: 2 days


Course Aims

This course is aimed at staff who find themselves in the role of interviewer for recruitment and selection. It helps to develop the skills of questioning, listening and non-verbal behaviour, with the aim of encouraging participants to use more effective interviewing styles and to be able to make decisions based on objective evidence.


Programme Outline

Day 1
The recruitment process demystified
How do legal requirements work in practice?
Asking the right question
Getting the 'right' answer
Matching competency with evidence

Day 2
Non-verbal behaviour

Listening skills

The role of the chair

The interviewer's role before, during and after

Practice interviews

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • understand the process of recruitment and selection

  • understand the legal requirements governing the process
  • use a range of interviewing skills and techniques
  • demonstrate an appropriate interviewing style
  • make decisions based on objective evidence

Management Skills Training

Interpersonal Skills Training

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